
These are some of the services we offer to our clients

The experts at Simo Loreno will help you balance cost efficiency with safety, asset maintenance, and sustainable growth for your company. We are dedicated to protecting our clients’ interests both in the present and in the long-term. At Simo Loreno we believe that prevention and early detection is the key to a safe and efficient work environment. We are dedicated to seeing your project done well. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you improve the efficiency of all your facilities.

Some of our strong points

Oil Refinery Focused Services!

Heat Exchanger Services

Simo Loreno can provide you with the qualified technicians you need to handle your heat exchanger services. Whether you need heat exchanger maintenance, installation, cleaning, or repair, we have the personnel for the job. All of our craftsmen are hired out of local unions, ensuring that they have the training and experience to get your project done right.

We service both tube and shell heat exchangers, as well as flat plate exchangers, and can provide on-site assistance for the repair and maintenance of your equipment.

Natural Gas Facilities

Energy-related facilities such as natural gas processing plants are of unique importance. Simo Loreno understands that keeping such facilities safe and efficient is essential to both the environment and the economy. Prevention maintenance is the key to keeping a quality and safe processing environment, and we can help our clients keep their equipment, facilities, and grounds in top notch shape for their workers.

Oilfield Construction

Simo Loreno can provide you with the qualified and trained experts you need to manage your oilfield needs. We offer a wide range of services for our oilfield clients, and strive to maintain safety, production efficiency, and cost efficiency. Whether you need maintenance and repairs to current facilities, or are looking to construct a totally new facility, the team at Simo Loreno is ready to take on the challenge.

We are prepared to assist in the planning of an oilfield, provide inspections, install, maintain and repair equipment, and help our clients choose the best options for their needs.

Electrical Maintenance & Repair

At Simo Loreno we bring years of electrical experience, cost saving strategies, and innovative solutions to your aid. This ensures that you will receive unsurpassed value and the most professional and reliable electrical service possible. Whether your project is large or small, our electrician services assure the expert installation, maintenance, and repair of your electrical factories, facilities, refineries, and plants’ electrical equipment.

We also maintain and operate bucket trucks that allow us to service, repair, or replace elevated lighting, wires, and other hard-to-reach equipment.

Need Help With Easier Industrial Solutions? We Are Experts!